This survey aims to capture providers’ experience of the National Childcare Scheme (NCS) for the review of the first year of the NCS being undertaken by Frontier Economics. All providers currently offering the NCS are being invited to take part and the survey will run over the period 13th to 28th May.

Your responses to this survey will be a valuable contribution to understanding how the scheme has operated in its first year which will help inform future improvements. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

The data from the survey (including personal data) will be pseudonymised and will be held confidentially by DCEDIY, Pobal and the research team at Frontier Economics and will be processed fairly, lawfully and securely. Your responses will only be used for the stated purpose and will be linked with administrative data already held by Pobal only to facilitate this analysis for different types of providers.
The NCS Privacy Statement can be found here:

The link to this survey can be found here:

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