In 2024, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth’s (DCEDIY)
funding for the early learning and childcare sector will be €1.109 billion, an €83 million (8%)
increase on last year’s funding. The funding in 2024 provides for:
- The introduction of further enhancements to the National Childcare Scheme, with more than 150,000 unique children to benefit from changes to the minimum universal subsidy rate and the sponsorship rate, including children in childminding settings;
- The continuation of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme that will benefit more than 103,000 children in 2024;
- An increasing cohort of children with a disability availing of targeted AIM supports –approximately 7,000 – as well as additional funding to extend these supports beyond time spent in the ECCE programme, in term and out of term;
- Enhancements to Core Funding, with enhancements to the Scheme in year 3 to support improved affordability and accessibility for families, improved pay and conditions for the workforce and improved sustainability for providers, and;
- The introduction of the Equal Participation Model (EPM), whereby services will be provided with a proportionate mix of universal and targeted supports to support children and families accessing their services who are experiencing disadvantage
Please download full document and FAQ’s below
Budget 2024 Overview and FAQ for Parents and Guardians