What to do if your service has a Covid-19 Case

What do I do if a child or staff member in my service has symptoms?

  • Advise the parent to keep the child at home/Advise the staff member to stay at home. They should self-isolate and book a PCR test.
  • If they become unwell in the setting, bring them to the isolation space and arrange for them to be collected or to go home.
  • Clean any rooms they were in while they were unwell.
  • There is no need to close the pod or inform other parents.
  • A test is arranged with their GP or HSE. The GP out-of-hours service can be found on https://www2.hse.ie/services/find-a-gp-out-of-hours/
  • If covid-19 is not detected return to the service can occur when GP advises or when symptoms free.

What do I do if a child or staff member in my service is a confirmed case?

  • Advise the parent to keep the child at home/Advise the staff member to stay at home.
  • Carry out cleaning and disinfection of all the areas they were in contact with.
  • There is no need to close the pod or inform parents.
  • If there are adult close contact in your service follow current HSE advice
  • Inform Tusla by emailing them using the notification form. https://first5.gov.ie/userfiles/files/download/34aafd6eea430a67.pdf
  • Contact your local CCC for further advice and support if required.
  • The National Covid-19 Out of Hours helpline is 1800 940341

Useful Links Guidance on the First 5 website, including tip sheets for providers, childminders and parents https://first5.gov.ie/guidance

The comprehensive HPSC guidance for the sector https://www.hpsc.ie/az/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/childcareguidance/

Isolation quick guide for children and adults available here https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/educationguidance/Isolation%20quick%20guide%20Adults%20a

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