The purpose of the Building Blocks – Improvement Grant is to improve the energy efficiency
standards of facilities and to support the continuous improvement of the physical environment in
services. The programme supports the Government’s ambitions as laid out in the National
Development Plan.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has allocated a
budget of €10m for the Building Blocks – Improvement Grant, split between two strands. A
minimum of €35,000 and a maximum of €75,000 will be awarded.
Services may apply for either Strand A or Strand B. The application form will open and close on the
same dates for Strand A and Strand B.
Successful applicants will be required to complete their projects before 31st December 2023.
Grantees will receive 90% of their approved funding on completion of the contracting process which
includes agreeing to their Grant Agreement. Once the project is completed, and 100% of funding is
spent, the service should submit their financial return, including documentary evidence and proof of
work undertaken (i.e. bank statements) to Pobal.
Upon receipt and review of the financial return the service will be reimbursed the balance of funding
spent on their project costs. If on submission of your financial return you did not spend 100% of the
grant award, the unspent balance will be decommitted, with underspend being recouped from the
final payment due. We recommend service providers submit their financial returns once the project
is completed or by 30th November 2023, which ever is sooner.
Applicants can commence where applicable, seeking planning permission, obtaining professional
advice and e-tendering from the date of the first notification of the programme. Professional fees
will only be reimbursed for successful applications and to a maximum of 10% of the capital costs
awarded. Maximum overall costs awarded (capital costs + professional fees) will not exceed
The Application Guidelines can be found here Application Guidelines for Building Blocks – Improvement Grant 0710
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