A Childminder cares for a small group of children of mixed ages in the childminder’s own home. Children are welcomed as individuals, they are offered affection and respect and their developmental and recreational needs are met. Childminders offer a flexible service, tailored to each child, thereby helping parents and guardians to balance their work and family commitments. A Childminder negotiates and agrees her/his terms with parents. The child’s welfare must be the prime consideration of the Childminder. Childminders have sole responsibility for the health, safety and wellbeing of each child entrusted to their care.
Are you thinking of becoming a childminder? If so please see resources below
A Guide to becoming a Childminder
Information for Childminders on the National Action Plan for Childminding
Guidelines on Planning a Childminding Business in your own home
Childminding Sample Policies and Procedures
Childminding Sample Record Keeping Forms
Information for Parents on the National Childminding Action Plan
Guidance for Childminders: https://www.laoischildcare.ie/2022/02/16/guidance-for-childminders-understanding-childrens-behaviour/
The Childminding Development Grant (CMDG) is a small capital grant designed to assist existing and potential childminders to enhance safety and quality in their childminding service.
The CMDG is open to any childminder who singlehandedly cares for non-relative child/ren in the childminder’s own home. Potential childminders can apply for the grant if they intend to commence childminding in their own home by 1 September 2025. Those who care for children in the child’s home (nannies/au pairs) or parents who employ a person to mind their children at their home are not eligible to apply. Those who care only for close relatives are also not eligible to apply.
For more information please see documents below
Are you a childminder or interested in becoming a childminder in Co. Laois
Networking Coming Soon
Would you like to get involved in a local Childminding Network that will provide a forum for peer support, sharing experiences and knowledge and access to relevant information on the National Childminding Action Plan (2021-2028) and much more…
Please find links below to contacts and resources for training.
Download the Childminder Newsletter here: NAPC Spring Newsletter 2024 Final
Are you already childminding or interested in minding children in your own home?
Are you a parent interested in choosing a childminder?
Come along and find out more about childminding and the National Action Plan for Childminding.
Laois County Childcare will be visiting libraries in towns throughout Laois over the coming weeks.
Laois County Childcare Committee have a limited number of Free Resource Packs for Childminders in County Laois to promote positive play-based early learning.
In order to avail of this FREE resource pack, Childminders must meet the criteria stated below:
Latest news, information and upcoming events for Childminders
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, launched the National Action Plan for Childminding on 15th April 2021. The National Action Plan aims to improve access to high quality and affordable early learning and care and school-age childcare through childminding, and sets out a phased approach to bringing childminders within the scope of State-funded supports and regulation over the period 2021-2028.
The National Action Plan for Childminding is a pathway to be developed over the next 8 years that sets out steps towards regulation, support and subsidies, for all paid, non-relative childminders. The Action Plan will involve change and significant benefits for childminders, children and the families using their services.
The aim of the Action Plan is to provide greater recognition for childminding and to support childminders in their work of providing high quality early learning and care and school age childcare, thus supporting child development and learning outcomes and helping families.
To download a copy of the Action plan please click here: National Action Plan for Childminding
View the Pathway for the Action plan here: Pathway of the Action Plan
For More information on the National Action Plan for Childminding please visit https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/df207-national-action-plan-for-childminding-2021-2028/
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Co Laois, R32 XT86
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6 Lismard Court,
Co Laois, R32 XT86
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