The National Childcare Scheme is our pathway to truly accessible, affordable, quality childcare. From October 2019 it will replace all previous targeted childcare programmes with a single, streamlined and user-friendly Scheme to help parents meet the cost of quality childcare.
Supports are available for families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years who are attending any participating Tusla registered childcare service, including any Tusla registered childminder.
Applications for the NCS can be made here:
There are two types of subsidies available under the National Childcare Scheme:
Universal Subsidies are available to all families with children under 3 years old. They are also available to families with children over 3 years who have not yet qualified for the free preschool programme (ECCE). This subsidy is not means tested and provides 50c per hour towards the cost of a registered childcare place for a maximum of 45 hours per week.
What you will need to apply online:
Income Assessed Subsidies are available to families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years. This subsidy is means tested and will be calculated based on your individual circumstances. Your rate will vary depending on your level of family income, your child’s age and educational stage, and the number of children in your family.
If you (and your partner, if you have one) are working, studying or training, the maximum number of subsidised hours available per week are 45.
If you (or your partner, if you have one) are not working, studying or training, the maximum number of subsidised hours available per week are 20.
In both cases the available hours include hours spent in school or preschool. The remaining hours can then be used for ‘wrap-around care’. You can read more about wrap-around care in the Frequently Asked Questions.
What you will need to apply online:
To see what you might be eligible for you can use the Childcare Subsidy Calculator.
To apply for an Income Assessed subsidy your reckonable family income must be less than €60,000 per year. To find out more about reckonable income click here: Reckonable Income NCS
Parent Information Booklets are available to download in a number of different languages (see below)
NCS Parent Info – Brazilian Portuguese
Part of the National Childcare Scheme details five statutory bodies which can refer a child for a fully funded childcare place. This means that the parent(s)/carer(s) of a sponsored child will pay no fees to the childcare provider and no income assessment is required.
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Co Laois, R32 XT86
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