Early Years Services and childminders provide full time care, part-time care, sessional and after-school services. Fees charged are generally at the discretion of the service provider
Private service providers offer quality childcare services that are run as private businesses. These Early Years services range from small businesses that are operated by sole traders to larger childcare facilities that are operated by companies, some of which may have a number of different services in various locations. Private services may offer the Early Childhood Care and Education programme (ECCE), CCSP Saver Programme 2021/22 and the National Childcare Scheme (NCS).
Community Service Providers (not-for profit) offer quality Early Years services and are managed by a voluntary Board of Management. Community based childcare services may offer the ECCE, CCSP Saver Programme 2021/22 and the National Childcare Scheme (NCS).
Download the Choosing a Childminder booklet here: Choosing a Childminder
A Childminder is a self-employed person who provides childcare in their own home. Tusla Registered Childminders may offer the ECCE, CCSP Saver Programme and the National Childcare Scheme.
Sessional: A sessional service refers to a programme for children for up to 3.5 hours per session. Services may offer a morning and/or an afternoon session.
Part-Time Day Care:A part-time day care service refers to a programme for children over 3.5 hours and less than 5 hours per day.
Full Day Care: A full day care service refers to a programme of activities for children for more than 5 hours per day.A full day service may include sessional and part-time services and School Age Childcare Services for children attending primary school.
School Age Childcare: School Age Childcare refers to centre-based services for school aged children from 4 – 12 years which operate during one or more of the following periods: before school – after school – during the school holidays.
Childminders: Childminding services refers to care for children within a Childminders home. A Childminding service may include sessional and part-time services and School-Age Childcare services for children attending primary school.
To download a copy of A Parent’s Guide to the National Childcare Funding Programmes 2019/2020 please click on this link: http://www.childcareonline.ie/images/A%20Parents%20Guide%20to%20Childcare%20Funding%20Programmes%202019-2020.pdf
City/County Childcare Committees (CCCs) are your first contact point for the provision of general information and support in relation to the operation of early learning and care and school-age childcare. You can find your local CCC contact details on www.myccc.ie
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